Hey there! Welcome to the Woman of Courage Podcast. I'm your host, Samantha Welch, and I'm absolutely thrilled to bring you our very first episode.
My vision for this podcast is to keep it raw and real, with minimal editing. It's a bit of a departure for me, as I'm a natural perfectionist, but I want these conversations to feel like a cozy chat between friends over a cup of coffee. That's my jam - just ask my close friends and sisters!
I genuinely believe that I've been given a testimony for a purpose (I know, it sounds cliché), but it's true. I don't want to keep it locked away, only shared with a select few. There's a reason why I haven't shared much until now; I needed time to heal and reflect. You see, there's wisdom in sharing from a place of scars, not open wounds. We want to speak from a position of strength, not vulnerability. I hope my story and the stories you'll hear on this podcast inspire you to find your own courage and purpose.
Regardless of your past, your challenges, your starting point, or your age, you are destined for greatness. If God could do it for me and countless others, there's no doubt He can do it for you too. I believe God can work through anyone who's willing, but I've also experienced the extraordinary courage required to break free from the past and pursue God's calling. It's about basing your life on His promises.
Did you know that His word is filled with promises that truly manifest when applied? It's amazing to witness these promises come to life. Often, our faith is so small that when they unfold just as God said, we're left astounded. Maybe it's just me, but I didn't realize they'd work that well.
Before we go any further, I'm a bit of a word nerd, so let's define courage. According to Merriam Webster, it means "strength of mind to carry on in spite of danger or difficulty." Oxford defines it as "the ability to do something that frightens one."
I view courage as a muscle - the more you use it, the stronger it becomes, but each step forward also presents new challenges. Each small act of courage builds your strength. As you keep taking the next right step, you'll be amazed at how far you've come.
Now, you might be wondering who this girl is that's been talking your ear off. Let me introduce myself: I'm a wife to my best friend, Justin, and we're approaching our 12th year of marriage. Our love story is a wild one, and I promise to share it in a future episode. We have three daughters - Lily, Kate, and Allie. We homeschool them, which is challenging but also a calling. God equips us for what He calls us to do, even when we feel inadequate.
As a family, we love kayaking, off-roading, and quality time together. This is especially meaningful considering my upbringing in dysfunctional homes. It goes to show that we're not defined by our pasts, and embracing God's way can change our future. I'm also a wedding photographer, and I'm passionate about it. Currently, I teach in-person classes on photography and social media, but I plan to take them online soon.
Now, let's dive into why I started this podcast. It's multi-faceted. Firstly, I want to share stories of courage - both my own and those of others - to leave you feeling encouraged. Secondly, I've been frustrated with certain trends in the Christian and business worlds, where some either exclude God or expect everything to fall into place without effort. I believe it's a balance.
We need God's guidance, but we also need to put in the work. In my experience, God rarely drops the whole plan into your lap. It's a series of smaller callings that require courage. As you follow Him in these steps, the bigger vision unfolds, and you'll look back and realize that without God, you wouldn't be where you are.
So, I'm here to say you must bring God on this journey, but be prepared to work hard. There's no such thing as overnight success. Things that are handed to us aren't appreciated as much as those we've fought for. This podcast aims to encourage you to hear from God, trust His plan, and put in the effort.
Additionally, I'll share tips and tricks that have helped me in business and life, from time management to content hacks. I'm a bit of a nerd when it comes to these topics.
Finally, you can expect interviews with women who have shown courage and overcome challenges. Their journeys may differ from yours, but their stories can inspire and energize you to keep moving forward.
I'm thrilled about this podcast, and I pray that it empowers women to boldly step out, follow God, and reach their promise land. Until the next episode, be a woman of courage. I can't wait to embark on this journey with you!